Help: Frequently Asked Questions

What is the Pet Policy for KOAs?

Some visitors enjoy sharing the pleasures of camping with their pets. To ensure that all guests have a safe and enjoyable experience, KOA has established some guidelines.

Before You Go:

Call ahead. Check with the campground about its' specific pet policies. Some don't allow pets in Cabins, for example, or may have limited pet units. Others don't accept particular breeds that insurance providers have identified as having a history of aggression.

When You Arrive:

  • Good behavior is required. Dogs of any breed that are hostile or aggressive will be asked to leave the campground, along with their owners.
  • Use a leash while on the campground. Dogs must be kept on leashes no longer than 6 feet when outside their owners' vehicles or rental units. Do not leave a tethered dog unattended.
  • Remember manners. Constant barking bothers other campers. If your pet is too vocal, you may be asked to leave.
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